A diary of happenings

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Finally, some Adult Content

8 April: It's my birthday tomorrow! And though theatre's not quite their cup of tea, my buddies braved it out and we caught the saucy Magic Fundoshi for a lark. Aw, what more could a gal ask for, lurve you babes (u know who u are!) *muack!*


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Not Quite the Golden Girls... yet

What are birthdays like these day for the, ahem, over 30s?

Kim, hatchday 27 March: "We had a nice lunch at a winery and Mark even invited some friends over for dinner and cooked a bbq. He must have thought he has a lot of "making up" to do!! My boss has offered for Mark to take me to the most expensive chinese restaurant in Melbourne on the company - he too must think he has a lot of "making up" to do too!!

Well, not sure if you saw in the news but Melbourne has been in a buzz the last few weeks because of the Commonwealth Games. I must admit I think we put on a really good show and there were lots to do and see like circus, concerts etc and everything was free. It was really good.

Life's same-mo same-mo for me too. Looking forward to going away at Easter time to the country with some friends but other than that, not much.

Sorry, no photos. I was kicking myself for not bringing a camera that day to the wineries because we actually went to a wildlife sanctuary near the winery before that and the kids had a lot of fun and I had wished I had a camera to take some pickies. Happy for you to include my email on the website - "post on your blog" - if that's what you mean."


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9 April 06

I found out today that every 10 years, your birthday would fall on the same day of the week that you were born, and that I was born on a Sunday. Day of rest :)

It turned out to be a pretty active Sunday though, and I did two things I'd not done before: I enjoyed a three-generation birthday party and I watched a live rugby game. It started off as a hot afternoon of eye candy and pop music, men grabbing each other. Then, light-headed girls began 'camera-whoring' between games, drunks made rude remarks to a geeky girl beer-seller, patriotic supporters boo-ed the rivals as competition grew intense... not much of sportsmanship spotted off the field after that.

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A Mundane Day at the yikes, Doc's

Hannah and Laura at the pediatrician's. Hannah has a little chip on her front tooth but hates the dentist, think her milk tooth's doomed.

A couple of friends asked me today, will your blog be always about babies? Well, nooo.... the kids will grow... ;-D

For now tho, more, yes, baby pics...

The girls with grandparents at about the same age (erm, 7 - 8 mths).

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

Whatever happened to...

marts terrapins, last spotted attempting a daring break out...

current fate unknown... Posted by Picasa


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Laura discovers life has more than just yum milk

Laura is over 7 months and starting on semi solid food, and she really seems to enjoy her makan!

Food break: mum and daughter shares a telegenic moment.
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