Amozozo, apparently it means "I love Zoey", Zoey being the daughter of the creator of this Luminaria by Architects of Air. Amozozo is an exploration of light and form that was inspired by Islamic architecture. Does look like a mosque doesn't it, with its big green 'onion' shaped dome?
Something about colours that makes everyone go shutterbug crazy :-)
Identity for sale: just $5 and you get to become a character of your creation, living in a dark decaying town. You don't get to keep the figurine at the end though, pity... click here if you wanna play. More pics of the museum and happenings at Snaps.
3 DEC: After weeks of madness, finally, a quiet Sunday. Perfectly spent on a nice brunch outdoors :) 8 DEC:Flowers for making it thro' the opening, Scott's the sweetest, *muack!*
Four months have flown past,and I've been looking like this; a caffeine addict, fighting against time to get things ready for our big opening in December (tomorrow!) pic by Scott
Some preparation shots: Getting our name up, giant chilli nearby is a popular photoshoot spot; glass roof is nice, esp after a wash.
Some chandeliers to add a dash of colour and get into the swing of things; meticulous planning is of course, a must!