Summer in Hokkaido
I heard from a Japanese friend that summer was short in Hokkaido this year, so we were really lucky to have been there during the right week! Here are some photos of the family trip.
Day 1: 23 Aug 2007
Day 2: 24 Aug 2007

We visited a fabulous Music Box Museum (more of a big shop really) and had large Hokkaido crabs for lunch. Then, we visited the gigantic chocolate factory that makes the popular chocolate biscuits, Shiroi Koibito. Beyond the chocolate factory, there were exhibitions on history of chocolate, coffee and even toys. Of course lots of chocolates, candy and ice-cream on sale, with outdoor gardens to frolic in. And free entry, what more could one ask for? Dinner time, missed out on Kobe beef, coz we deliberated over the price of 700 yen per 200g tad long, drats.
Day 3: 25 Aug 2007
8:30am, left for Furano for lavender farm, the highlight of the tour. Arrived around noon, bad time for photo-taking. Post buffet lunch, the sun grew less harsh, don't the sunflowers look lovely. Me and mum looking happy!
Day 4: 26 Aug 2007 to be continued...
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